Reinforcement Learning

Final project of the Deep Learning course

Overall goal of the project

Value iteration networks represent a way to combine reinforcement learning with planning. The idea is fairly simple: If we know a model of the environment, it is well known that the so-called Value-iteration algorithm (See Suttons book linked above) is the optimal way to plan ahead. A ‘model’ in this context is essentially just a mapping from inputs to the reinforcement learning agent to a probability distribution, i.e. you can think about it as a softmax multi-class classifier. In reinforcement learning, we don’t know a model, but we know how to build a softmax classifier. So what that gives us is:

  • We build a softmax classifier, which output a possible model of the environment
  • Given this model, we can compute the optimal action by running the value-iteration algorithm
  • The reinforcement learning agent can then output this action

We build a softmax classifier, which output a possible model of the environment Given this model, we can compute the optimal action by running the value-iteration algorithm The reinforcement learning agent can then output this action The idea is pretty simple: When we interact with the environment, we get information about how good or bad an action is. We can use this information to train the neural network using gradient descent. The neat thing is that the combined algorithm ends up resembling a standard convolution neural network. Since we are integrating planning with the reinforcement learning algorithm, this makes the combined model able to generalize to new situations. You can read more in the original paper:

Alessandro Canevaro
Alessandro Canevaro
MSc student

My research interests include Computer Vision, Autonomous Systems and Machine Learning.